Thursday, December 20, 2007

5! shopping! days! left!

I just read this birthing story, which was really and truly amazing. I feel I would have such a similar experience. And now I don't feel so bad about getting personal.

My DH is off having a ball at a show right now (that is, if Glasslands actually stocks something other than Rolling Rock these days). I am wrapping gifts (sans wrapping paper, mind you, but armed with a copy of the latest Craft magazine) and eating a Crunchie bar that I bought in a tea shop today. While part of me wants to cry at the tragic figure i cut, it is fine, I guess. I do like the Christmas season for the purely selfish reasons of getting pressies and even more, the warm fuzzy feeling getting someone something they actually like! I stress myself out over things like gift-buying, letter-writing, and overall impression-making. So to hit the nail on the head and see my friend Gayle genuinely excited about something I got her would make it all worthwhile. Besides, she is terrible liar, so I would know.

Paul (the DH), I am fairly confident, will like his gifts. He is a man, and therefore needs guidance. I know what he needs before he does. Not for a second do I think that all men are created equal in that sense, but I have known him for a while and I know he likes few things more than being looked after. And a large part of me likes being handy and useful. I wish I could think of another way to put that. It is not selfless at all, either - this is something I get off on. I think it works for us.

This takes me back to our wedding story, which is like a birth story of sorts, which I started writing and will probably post in the upcoming reflective days. It is about two people with very similar ideals and aesthetics, but very different ways of executing them.

A special thank-you to all 4 of the lovely people who bought my creations from Etsy this month. I am still humbled and ultimately energized.

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