I am feeling more myself (while some people would argue my self is more surly than sweet, I beg to differ) and I think it is due in part to getting my hands on some sewing again. It seems infinitely harder than knitting for me in many respects, which just make me want to master it all the more.

This is a bag I started working on since my regular one has been dirtied and frayed to shreds and people stare at me and the look on their faces is something like, "How is she homeless? She certainly looks like she gets enough to eat."

Here is the famous
Bella Dia afghan. I just like calling it an afghan but it's not much of anything yet. I'm 13 rows in and I have to stop taking it on the subway with me. It's about 6 feet long and you want to talk about funny looks? I estimate I will be done sometime in late 2009.

This is why I will be done in 2009 - I have no shelving!!! It is funny, my craft room was the first room in the place to be painted and finished and it looks like it will be the last to get organized. Between me and the roommate, we have about 300 books, and all my bookcases/shelves went to the greater cause. I keep meaning to build my own but then I think about staining and sanding and sawing and I get tired and need to take a nap. Look closely at the mess and you will notice at least four bags/baskets/hatboxes of yarn, two out of three bins of fabric, my Uncle John, and assorted crap. Like the yoga mat paced conveniently out of reach in the corner.

This picture is just what is to the right of the prior mound of crap, to give you perspective (and allow you to marvel at the orange walls. They are not peach. One day, I will paint that horse paint-by-numbers set.

And last, but certainly not least, here is Seamus, looking forlorn, if not
haute, in his smart off-the-shoulder (who knew dogs had shoulders?) sweater, courtesy of Kathryn. And that is the kitchen. Bright, no?
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