Wednesday, December 06, 2006

some basic information, please...

1. Flip to page 18, paragraph 4 in the book closest to you right now, what does it say?

"The pressure in his chest and temples, thought Eddie Willers, was the strain of the effort he was making; he had decided to make the issue clear for once, and the issue was so clear, he thought, that nothing could bar it from Taggart's understanding, unless it was the failure of his own presentation. So he had tried hard, but he was failing, just as he had always failed in all of their discussions; no matter what he said, they never seemed to be taking about the same subject."

"Atlas Shrugged." I tried reading it once on a 10-hour train ride to Pittsburgh, but only got so far. When I picked it up again, 8 years later, it had forgotten what I read and had to start anew! I've made it considerably farther this time.

2. If you stretch out your left arm - as far as possible, what are you touching?
Papers on a rack thing. I'm at work!

3. What's the last program you watched on tv?
A Frontline about credit card companies.

4. Without looking, guess what time it is.
4:20.... It's 4:25!

5. Except the computer, what can you hear right now?
The tone of someone saving on Microsoft Word... telelphone ringing... new receptionist answering...

6. When was the last time you were outside and what did you do?
I went to get a slice of pizza for lunch. I love pizza.

7. What are you wearing?
Sailor-pant jeans, chuck taylors, a tank top and a wrap sweater that is gray and oddly shaped.

8. Did you dream last night? If you did, what about?
I don't think so but I lied and told my boyfriend I dreamt about a tiger, sorry, a LIGER, eating him.

9. When was the last time you laughed?

10. What's on the walls, in the room you're in right now?
The beaten and tarred souls of myself and my coworkers.

11. Have you seen anything strange lately?
I saw a guy peeing on the street on my way to work this morning. I thought it was a bit early for that.

12. What do you think about this meme?
It is my first.

13. What's the last film you saw?
Space Oddesey 2001, "but I fell asleep halfway through."

14. If you became a multimillionaire, what would you do with the money?
Quit my job, buy land, and start planning. I would also go away to a small Carribbean town for vacation until December 15th or so.

15. Tell us something about yourself that most people don't know.
Most people don't know about the time I turned on the TV and saw my uncle and cousin -on opposing sides, mind you - on a daytime judge show.

16. If you could change ONE THING in this world, without regarding politics or bad guilt - what would it be?
I can't help that it is in regards to politics - I would prevent Ronald Regan from being elected and give Jimmy Carter another term.

17. Do you like dancing?
Yes I do! It takes me a while to get over the shyness though.

18. George Bush?

19. What do you want your children's names to be, girl/boy?
I like August for a boy and I don't know about girls. I just hope I don't have any.

20. Would you ever consider living abroad?

21. What do you want God to tell you, when you come to heaven?
That you really can walk on clouds and it is a really fun place to be. Not that it exists or anything.

22. Who should do this meme?

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