Wednesday, December 06, 2006

I like commas

I am going to start out strong - keep the personal missives to a minimum, link to all the wonderful sites I find, and be a friend. I have already used the word "missive," however, and I foresee lapsing into my old ways. I used to keep a blog mainly for the entertainment of my friend and co-worker (oh, what a tangled web we weave!) and as I recounted tales of disastrous family vacations I would hear her laughing across the office. Then I accidentally deleted it!

So, I promise, no tales of family vacations.

This is also going to link to my own site, where I hope to accomplish many things. I am a maker of things (though I cannot go as far as calling myself as crafty as some of the insanely talented people I link to here), I am a writer of news, I photograph on occasion, I am involved in a musical collaboration that could one day take off if I get serious, and I love making and eating and finding new food. I just made an apple cider pie the other day. And they said it could not be done!

I am also way too wordy for the blogosphere. Oh, darn. There I go again.

So, two specific words I should not have used on the first day, and too many of them in general. I will win, one of these days.

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